HTML Color Names (A to Z)

HTML colour names and their corresponding hexadecimal codes are provided in an alphabetical list. It\’s set up alphabetically, starting with the letter A.

To save on screen real estate, hex values are preferred over html colour names. When you compress your CSS file, the hexadecimal values for colours are used instead of the corresponding html names.

Let\’s check out the collection of over 500+ html colour names.

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HTML Color Names (A to Z)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

A color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code
Aassdd #21251c #333333 rgb(33,37,28) 11, 0, 24, 85
Alizarin #E32636 #cc3333 rgb(227,38,54) 0, 83, 76, 11
Alora #e5ac71 #cc9966 rgb(229,172,113) 0, 25, 51, 10
Amaranth #E52B50 #cc3366 rgb(229,43,80) 0, 81, 65, 10
Amber #FFBF00 #ffcc00 rgb(255,191,0) 0, 25, 100, 0
Amethyst #9966CC #9966cc rgb(153,102,204) 25, 50, 0, 20
Apricot #FBCEB1 #ffcc99 rgb(251,206,177) 0, 18, 29, 2
Ariana Grande #c26227 #cc6633 rgb(194,98,39) 0, 49, 80, 24
Aqua #00FFFF #00ffff rgb(0,255,255) 100, 0, 0, 0
Aquamarine #7FFFD4 #66ffcc rgb(127,255,212) 50, 0, 17, 0
Asparagus #7BA05B #669966 rgb(123,160,91) 23, 0, 43, 37
Auburn #6D351A #663333 rgb(109,53,26) 0, 51, 76, 57
Avocado #3d6003 #336600 rgb(61,96,3) 36, 0, 97, 62
Azure #007FFF #0066ff rgb(0,127,255) 100, 50, 0, 0

B color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Badiflyee #0e0e0e #000000 rgb(14,14,14) 0, 0, 0, 100
Beige #F5F5DC #ffffcc rgb(245,245,220) 0, 0, 10, 4
Bistre #3D2B1F #333333 rgb(61,43,31) 0, 30, 49, 76
Black #000000 #000000 rgb(0,0,0) 0, 0, 0, 100
Blanc et bleu #add8e6 #99ccff rgb(173,216,230) 25, 6, 0, 10
Blue #0000FF #0000ff rgb(0,0,255) 100, 100, 0, 0
Blush #f88885 #ff9999 rgb(248,136,133) 0, 45, 46, 3
Blue Green #00DDDD #00cccc rgb(0,221,221) 100, 0, 0, 13
Blue Violet #8A2BE2 #9933cc rgb(138,43,226) 39, 81, 0, 11
Blurple #7289DA #6699cc rgb(114,137,218) 56, 43, 0, 0
Bondi Blue #0095B6 #0099cc rgb(0,149,182) 100, 18, 0, 29
Bomby #90ee90 #99ff99 rgb(144,238,144) 39, 0, 39, 7
Brass #B5A642 #cc9933 rgb(181,166,66) 0, 8, 64, 29
Bronze #CD7F32 #cc6633 rgb(205,127,50) 0, 38, 76, 20
Brown #964B00 #993300 rgb(150,75,0) 0, 50, 100, 41
Buff #F0DC82 #ffcc99 rgb(240,220,130) 0, 8, 46, 6
Burgundy #900020 #990033 rgb(144,0,32) 0, 100, 78, 44
Burnt Orange #CC5500 #cc6600 rgb(204,85,0) 0, 58, 100, 20
Burnt Sienna #E97451 #ff6666 rgb(233,116,81) 0, 50, 65, 9
Burnt Umber #8A3324 #993333 rgb(138,51,36) 0, 63, 74, 46

C color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Calamime fea0b7 #ff99cc rgb(254,160,183) 0, 37, 28, 0
Candy Pink #fe00b7 #ff00cc rgb(254,0,183) 0, 100, 28, 0
Camouflage Green #78866B #669966 rgb(120,134,107) 10, 0, 20, 47
Caput Mortuum #592720 #663333 rgb(89,39,32) 0, 56, 64, 65
Cardinal #C41E3A #cc3333 rgb(196,30,58) 0, 85, 70, 23
Carmine #960018 #990000 rgb(150,0,24) 0, 100, 84, 41
Carrot orange #ED9121 #ff9933 rgb(237,145,33) 0, 39, 86, 7
Celadon #ACE1AF #99cc99 rgb(172,225,175) 24, 0, 22, 12
Cerise #DE3163 #cc3366 rgb(222,49,99) 0, 78, 55, 13
Cerulean #007BA7 #006699 rgb(0,123,167) 100, 26, 0, 35
Champagne #F7E7CE #ffffcc rgb(247,231,206) 0, 6, 17, 3
Charcoal #464646 #333333 rgb(70,70,70) 0, 0, 0, 73
Chartreuse #7FFF00 #66ff00 rgb(127,255,0) 50, 0, 100, 0
Cherry Blossom Pink #FFB7C5 #ffcccc rgb(255,183,197) 0, 28, 23, 0
Chestnut #CD5C5C #cc6666 rgb(205,92,92) 0, 55, 55, 20
Chocolate #7B3F00 #663300 rgb(123,63,0) 0, 49, 100, 52
Cinnabar #E34234 #cc3333 rgb(227,66,52) 0, 71, 77, 11
Cinnamon #D2691E #cc6633 rgb(210,105,30) 0, 50, 86, 18
Cobalt #0047AB #003399 rgb(0,71,171) 100, 58, 0, 33
Copper #B87333 #cc6633 rgb(184,115,51) 0, 38, 72, 28
Coral #FF7F50 #ff6666 rgb(255,127,80) 0, 50, 69, 0
Corn #FBEC5D #ffff66 rgb(251,236,93) 0, 6, 63, 2
Cornflower #6495ED #6699ff rgb(100,149,237) 58, 37, 0, 7
Cream #FFFDD0 #ffffcc rgb(255,253,208) 0, 1, 18, 0
Crimson #DC143C #cc0033 rgb(220,20,60) 0, 91, 73, 14
Cyan #00FFFF #00ffff rgb(0,255,255) 100, 0, 0, 0

D color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Damon #efcae5 #ffcccc rgb(239,202,229) 0, 15, 4, 6
Dandelion #FED85D #ffcc66 rgb(254,216,93) 0, 15, 63, 0
Dantrine #cd0df6 #cc00ff rgb(205,13,246) 17, 95, 0, 4
Dark orange #965b29 #996633 rgb(150,91,41) 0, 39, 73, 41
Dark moderate magenta #9f55ac #996699 rgb(159,85,172) 8, 51, 0, 33
Dark moderate orange #ae7250 #996666 rgb(174,114,80) 0, 34, 54, 32
Denim #1560BD #0066cc rgb(21,96,189) 89, 49, 0, 26
Dog Dick Red #c20704 #cc0000 rgb(194,7,4) 0, 96, 98, 24
Dianne #eb89f8 #ff99ff rgb(235,137,248) 5, 45, 0, 3

E color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Earnstead #ffa500 #ff9900 rgb(255,165,0) 0, 35, 100, 0
Eucalyptus Flower #add8e6 #99ccff rgb(173,216,230) 25, 6, 0, 10
Eclipse #220f46 ##330033 rgb(34,15,70) 51, 79, 0, 73
Eleck #c5c7c4 #cccccc rgb(197,199,196) 1, 0, 2, 22
Emberiea #ff794d #ff6666 rgb(255,121,77) 0, 53, 70, 0
Emerald Green #50C878 #66cc66 rgb(80,200,120) 60, 0, 40, 22
Eggplant Purple #614051 #663366 rgb(97,64,81) 0, 34, 16, 62
Eucalyptus Leaf #218559 #339966 rgb(33,133,89) 75, 0, 33, 48


F color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Faloobang #ff69b4 #ff66cc rgb(255,105,180) 0, 59, 29, 0
Falu Red #801818 #990000 rgb(128,24,24) 0, 81, 81, 50
Fern Green #4F7942 #666633 rgb(79,121,66) 35, 0, 45, 53
Firebrick #B22222 #993333 rgb(178,34,34) 0, 81, 81, 30
Flax #EEDC82 #ffcc99 rgb(238,220,130) 0, 8, 45, 7
Forest Green #228B22 #339933 rgb(34,139,34) 76, 0, 76, 45
French Rose #F64A8A #ff3399 rgb(246,74,138) 0, 70, 44, 4
Fuchsia #FF00FF #ff00ff rgb(255,0,255) 0, 100, 0, 0
Funionz #4d2e1a #663333 rgb(77,46,26) 0, 40, 66, 70
Fresh Avacadoo #ffd700 #ffcc00 rgb(255,215,0) 0, 16, 100, 0

G color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Galexcias #581845 #660033 rgb(88,24,69) 0, 73, 22, 65
Gamboge #E49B0F #cc9900 rgb(228,155,15) 0, 32, 93, 11
Gold #D4AF37 #cc9933 rgb(212,175,55) 0, 17, 74, 17
Goldenrod #DAA520 #cc9933 rgb(218,165,32) 0, 24, 85, 15
Golcli #806c00 #996600 rgb(128,108,0) 0, 16, 100, 50
Green #00FF00 #00ff00 rgb(0,255,0) 100, 0, 100, 0
Green Gem #338709 #339900 rgb(51,135,9) 62, 0, 93, 47
Grey #808080 #999999 rgb(128,128,128) 0, 0, 0, 50

H color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Hazel #a52a2a #993333 rgb(165,42,42) 0, 75, 75, 35
Han Purple #5218FA #6600ff rgb(82,24,250) 67, 90, 0, 2
Harlequin #3FFF00 #33ff00 rgb(63,255,0) 75, 0, 100, 0
Heaven #b4b0ec #cc99ff rgb(180,176,236) 24, 25, 0, 7
Heliotrope #DF73FF #cc66ff rgb(223,115,255) 13, 55, 0, 0
Hollywood Cerise #F400A1 #ff0099 rgb(244,0,161) 0, 100, 34, 4
Hegarty #1aff1a #33ff33 rgb(26,255,26) 90, 0, 90, 0

I color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Indigo #00416A #003366 rgb(0,65,106) 100, 39, 0, 58
Ivory #FFFFF0 #ffffff rgb(255,255,240) 0, 0, 6, 0

J color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Jade #00A86B #009966 rgb(0,168,107) 100, 0, 36, 34
Jadeykins #0d8a7b #009966 rgb(13,138,123) 91, 0, 11, 46
Jallion #0000ff #0000ff rgb(0,0,255) 100, 100, 0, 0
Jazzamoon #e0d191 #cccc99 rgb(224,209,145) 0, 7, 35, 12
Jezzepy #4b3c25 #333333 rgb(75,60,37) 0, 20, 51, 71
Juniper #64d91e #66cc33 rgb(100,217,30) 54, 0, 86, 15

K color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Khaki #C3B091 #cc9999 rgb(195,176,145) 0, 10, 26, 24
Kyrin #0000b3 #0000cc rgb(0,0,179) 100, 100, 0, 30

L color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Lavender #B57EDC #cc66cc rgb(181,126,220) 18, 43, 0, 14
Lawn green #7CFC00 #66ff00 rgb(124,252,0) 51, 0, 100, 1
Lakipa #def49f #ccff99 rgb(222,244,159) 9, 0, 35, 4
Lemon #FDE910 #ffff00 rgb(253,233,16) 0, 8, 94, 1
Lemon Chiffon #FFFACD #ffffcc rgb(255,250,205) 0, 2, 20, 0
Leoan #9acd32 #99cc33 rgb(154,205,50) 25, 0, 76, 20
Lithium Yellow #ffff79 #ffff66 rgb(255,255,121) 0, 0, 53, 0
Light grayish violet #d4c7d9 #cccccc rgb(212,199,217) 2, 8, 0, 15
Light grayish yellow #f5f5dc #ffffcc rgb(245,245,220) 0, 0, 10, 4
Lilac #C8A2C8 #cc99cc rgb(200,162,200) 0, 19, 0, 22
Lime #00FF00 #00ff00 rgb(0,255,0) 100, 0, 100, 0
Lime Green #32CD32 #33cc33 rgb(50,205,50) 76, 0, 76, 20
Linen #FAF0E6 #ffffff rgb(250,240,230) 0, 4, 8, 2

M color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Madeleine #2fc6fe #33ccff rgb(47,198,254) 81, 22, 0, 0
Magenta #FF00FF #ff00ff rgb(255,0,255) 0, 100, 0, 0
Magnolia #F8F4FF #ffffff rgb(248,244,255) 3, 4, 0, 0
Mango Yellow #feb40f #ffcc00 rgb(254,180,15) 0, 29, 94, 0
Malachite #0BDA51 #00cc66 rgb(11,218,81) 95, 0, 63, 15
Maroon #800000 #990000 rgb(128,0,0) 0, 100, 100, 50
Mariener #022c42 #003333 rgb(2,44,66) 97, 33, 0, 74
Matilda #00008b #000099 rgb(0,0,139) 100, 100, 0, 45
Mauve #E0B0FF #cc99ff rgb(224,176,255) 12, 31, 0, 0
Mermaid Blue #0cd1c0 #00cccc rgb(12,209,192) 94, 0, 8, 18
Midnight Blue #191970 #000066 rgb(25,25,112) 78, 78, 0, 56
Mint Green #98FF98 #99ff99 rgb(152,255,152) 40, 0, 40, 0
Misty Rose #FFE4E1 #ffcccc rgb(255,228,225) 0, 11, 12, 0
Mix Thunder #67b88d #66cc99 rgb(103,184,141) 44, 0, 23, 28
Moss Green #ADDFAD #99cc99 rgb(173,223,173) 22, 0, 22, 13
Mustard #FFDB58 #ffcc66 rgb(255,219,88) 0, 14, 65, 0
Mostly desaturated dark orange #855c4c #996633 rgb(133,92,76) 0, 31, 43, 48
Myrtle #21421E #333333 rgb(33,66,30) 50, 0, 55, 74

N color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Navajo white #FFDEAD #ffcc99 0, 13, 32, 0
Navy Blue #000080 #000099 rgb(0,0,128) 100, 100, 0, 50
Neruple #8500a3 #990099 rgb(133,0,163) 18, 100, 0, 36
Nellow #bd2c07 #cc3300 rgb(189,44,7) 0, 77, 96, 26
Nevgan Green #29752a #336633 rgb(41,117,42) 65, 0, 64, 54

O color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Ochre #CC7722 #cc6633 rgb(204,119,34) 0, 42, 83, 20
Office Green #008000 #009900 rgb(0,128,0) 100, 0, 100, 50
Ogre #622b2d #663333 rgb(98,43,45) 0, 56, 54, 62
Old Rose #c08081 #cc9999 rgb(192,128,129) 0, 33, 33, 25
Olive #808000 #999900 rgb(128,128,0) 0, 0, 100, 50
Olivine #9AB973 #99cc66 rgb(154,185,115) 17, 0, 38, 27
Orange #FF7F00 #ff6600 rgb(255,127,0) 0, 50, 100, 0
Orchid #DA70D6 #cc66cc rgb(218,112,214) 0, 49, 2, 15
Owo #2f321e #333333 rgb(47,50,30) 6, 0, 40, 80

P color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Papaya Whip #FFEFD5 #ffffcc rgb(255,239,213) 0, 6, 16, 0
Paper #C2B280 #cc9999 rgb(194,178,128) 0, 8, 34, 24
Peach #FFE5B4 #ffcccc rgb(255,229,180) 0, 10, 29, 0
Pear #D1E231 #cccc33 rgb(209,226,49) 8, 0, 78, 11
Periwinkle #CCCCFF #ccccff rgb(204,204,255) 20, 20, 0, 0
Perinto #bfdae5 #cccccc rgb(191,218,229) 17, 5, 0, 10
Persimmon #EC5800 #ff6600 rgb(236,88,0) 0, 63, 100, 7
Perfect Puppy #e2dccd #cccccc rgb(226,220,205) 0, 3, 9, 11
Pine Green #01796F #006666 rgb(1,121,111) 99, 0, 8, 53
Pink #FFC0CB #ffcccc rgb(255,192,203) 0, 25, 20, 0
Piss Yellow #ffff00 #ffff00 rgb(255,255,0) 0, 0, 100, 0
Platinum #E5E4E2 #cccccc rgb(229,228,226) 0, 0, 1, 10
Plum #CC99CC #cc99cc rgb(204,153,204) 0, 25, 0, 20
Powder Blue #B0E0E6 #99ccff rgb(176,224,230) 23, 3, 0, 10
Prizmarine #128bda #0099cc rgb(18,139,218) 92, 36, 0, 15
Princess Pink #fe31c2 #ff33cc rgb(254,49,194) 0, 81, 24, 0
Princess Karii #ffe6f3 #ffffff rgb(255,230,243) 0, 10, 5, 0
Prototondio #a7cd6a #99cc66 rgb(167,205,106) 19, 0, 48, 20
Puce #CC8899 #cc9999 rgb(204,136,153) 0, 33, 25, 20
Prussian Blue #003153 #003366 rgb(0,49,83) 100, 41, 0, 67
Psychedelic purple #DD00FF #cc00ff rgb(221,0,255) 13, 100, 0, 0
Purple #800080 #990099 rgb(128,0,128) 0, 100, 0, 50
Pumpkin #FF7518 #ff6600 rgb(255,117,24) 0, 54, 91, 0
Pusheen Gray #cfb49b #cccc99 rgb(207,180,155) 0, 13, 25, 19

Q color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Quartile #4CBB17 #33cc00 rgb(76,187,23) 59, 0, 88, 27
Quartz Grey #6C6961 #666666 rgb(108,105,97) 0, 3, 10, 58
Queen Blue #436b95 #336699 rgb(67,107,149) 55, 28, 0, 42
Queen Mintey #3eb489 #33cc99 rgb(62,180,137) 66, 0, 24, 29

R color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Racing Green #095119 #006600 rgb(9,81,25) 89, 0, 69, 68
Rabbit Red #fe0a00 #ff0000 rgb(254,10,0) 0, 96, 100, 0
Raw Umber #734A12 #663300 rgb(115,74,18) 0, 36, 84, 55
Razzmatazz #E30B5C #cc0066 rgb(227,11,92) 0, 95, 59, 11
Red #FF0000 #ff0000 rgb(255,0,0) 0, 100, 100, 0
Reddest red #003aff #0033ff rgb(0,58,255) 100, 77, 0, 0
Ripple #453e31 #333333 rgb(69,62,49) 0, 10, 29, 73
Rhys #9d76d3 #9966cc rgb(157,118,211) 26, 44, 0, 17
Robin Egg Blue #00CCCC #00cccc rgb(0,204,204) 100, 0, 0, 20
Rose #FF007F #ff0066 rgb(255,0,127) 0, 100, 50, 0
Royal Blue #4169E1 #3366cc rgb(65,105,225) 71, 53, 0, 12
Royal Purple #6B3FA0 #663399 rgb(107,63,160) 33, 61, 0, 37
Ruby #E0115F #cc0066 rgb(224,17,95) 0, 92, 58, 12
Ribuli #9d2dfe #9933ff rgb(157,45,254) 38, 82, 0, 0
Russet #80461B #993333 rgb(128,70,27) 0, 45, 79, 50
Rust #B7410E #cc3300 rgb(183,65,14) 0, 64, 92, 28

S color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Safety Orange #FF6600 #ff6600 rgb(255,102,0) 0, 60, 100, 0
Saffron #F4C430 #ffcc33 rgb(244,196,48) 0, 20, 80, 4
Salmon #FF8C69 #ff9966 rgb(255,140,105) 0, 45, 59, 0
Salfate #e0d046 #cccc33 rgb(224,208,70) 0, 7, 69, 12
Sandy Brown #F4A460 #ff9966 rgb(244,164,96) 0, 33, 61, 4
Sangria #92000A #990000 rgb(146,0,10) 0, 100, 93, 43
Sap #5ccf70 #66cc66 rgb(92,207,112) 56, 0, 46, 19
Sage #8fbc8b #99cc99 rgb(143,188,139) 24, 0, 26, 26
Sapphire #082567 #003366 rgb(8,37,103) 92, 64, 0, 60
Savanneh #00ff00 #00ff00 rgb(0,255,0) 100, 0, 100, 0
Scarlet #FF2400 #ff3300 rgb(255,36,0) 0, 86, 100, 0
School Bus Yellow #FFD800 #ffcc00 rgb(255,216,0) 0, 15, 100, 0
Sea Green #2E8B57 #339966 rgb(46,139,87) 67, 0, 37, 45
Seashell #FFF5EE #ffffff rgb(255,245,238) 0, 4, 7, 0
Sea Teal #00ffad #00ff99 rgb(0,255,173) 100, 0, 32, 0
Sentaicar #00c624 #00cc33 rgb(0,198,36) 100, 0, 82, 22
Sepia #704214 #663300 rgb(112,66,20) 0, 41, 82, 56
Shamrock Green #009E60 #009966 rgb(0,158,96) 100, 0, 39, 38
Shit Green #c9c5b9 #cccccc rgb(201,197,185) 0, 2, 8, 21
Shocking Pink #FC0FC0 #ff00cc rgb(252,15,192) 0, 94, 24, 1
Silver #C0C0C0 #cccccc rgb(192,192,192) 0, 0, 0, 25
Sky Blue #87CEEB #99ccff rgb(135,206,235) 43, 12, 0, 8
Skyest Blue #2de5ff #33ccff rgb(45,229,255) 82, 10, 0, 0
Slate grey #708090 #669999 rgb(112,128,144) 22, 11, 0, 44
Silky white #5d7bb8 #6666cc rgb(93,123,184) 49, 33, 0, 28
Smalt #003399 #003399 rgb(0,51,153) 100, 67, 0, 40
Sophi #3a2c3a #333333 rgb(58,44,58) 0, 24, 0, 77
Soft Green #96fe4d #99ff66 rgb(150,254,77) 41, 0, 70, 0
Soft Red #df7253 #cc6666 rgb(223,114,83) 0, 49, 63, 13
Soft magenta #ee82ee #ff99ff rgb(238,130,238) 0, 45, 0, 7
Spring Bud #A7FC00 #99ff00 rgb(167,252,0) 34, 0, 100, 1
Spring Green #00FF7F #00ff66 rgb(0,255,127) 100, 0, 50, 0
Steel Blue #4682B4 #3399cc rgb(70,130,180) 61, 28, 0, 29

T color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Tan #D2B48C #cccc99 rgb(210,180,140) 0, 14, 33, 18
Tangerine #F28500 #ff9900 rgb(242,133,0) 0, 45, 100, 5
Taupe #483C32 #333333 rgb(72,60,50) 0, 17, 31, 72
Teal #008080 #009999 rgb(0,128,128) 100, 0, 0, 50
Tenné (Tawny) #CD5700 #cc6600 rgb(205,87,0) 0, 58, 100, 20
Terra Cotta #E2725B #cc6666 rgb(226,114,91) 0, 50, 60, 11
Teszopiggyt #ffe6fe #ffffff rgb(255,230,254) 0, 10, 0, 0
Thistle #D8BFD8 #cccccc rgb(216,191,216) 0, 12, 0, 15
Titanium White #ffffff #ffffff rgb(255,255,255) 0, 0, 0, 0
Tomato #FF6347 #ff6633 rgb(255,99,71) 0, 61, 72, 0
Tokeo #1d6655 #336666 rgb(29,102,85) 72, 0, 17, 60
Tremaine #e12d41 #cc3333 rgb(225,45,65) 0, 80, 71, 12
Turquoise #30D5C8 #33cccc rgb(48,213,200) 77, 0, 6, 16
Tyrian Purple #66023C #660033 rgb(102,2,60) 0, 98, 41, 60

U color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Ultramarine #120A8F #000099 rgb(18,10,143) 87, 93, 0, 44
Ultra Violet #4b019c #330099 rgb(75,1,156) 52, 99, 0, 39

V color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Van Dyke Brown #413000 #333300 rgb(65,48,0) 0, 26, 100, 75
Vermilion #E34234 #cc3333 rgb(227,66,52) 0, 71, 77, 11
Very Light Cyan #8bfcff #99ffff rgb(139,252,255) 45, 1, 0, 0
Very Pale Blue #f0f8ff #ffffff rgb(240,248,255) 6, 3, 0, 0
Vev #35764a #336633 rgb(53,118,74) 55, 0, 37, 54
Violet #8B00FF #9900ff rgb(139,0,255) 45, 100, 0, 0
Viridian #339966 #40826D rgb(64,130,109) 51, 0, 16, 49
Vivid red #ff2052 #ff3366 rgb(255,32,82) 0, 87, 68, 0

W color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Wheat #F5DEB3 #ffcccc rgb(245,222,179) 0, 9, 27, 4
White #ffffff #ffffff rgb(255,255,255) 0, 0, 0, 0
Wisteria #C9A0DC #cc99cc rgb(201,160,220) 9, 27, 0, 14

X color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Xanthic #eeed09 #ffff00 rgb(238,237,9) 0, 0, 96, 7
Xanadu #738678 #669966 rgb(115,134,120) 14, 0, 10, 47
Xiketic #0c020 #000000 rgb(12,2,15) 20, 87, 0, 94
Xxxtentacion #a3a2a1 #999999 rgb(163,162,161) 0, 1, 1, 36
Xylophone #ffb6c1 #ffcccc rgb(255,182,193) 0, 29, 24, 0

Y color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Yapan #a97164 #996666 rgb(169,113,100) 0, 33, 41, 34
Yellow #FFFF00 #ffff00 rgb(255,255,0) 0, 0, 100, 0

Z color names

Name Colour Hex HTML Color Code RGB CMYK
Zenchua #d23c77 #cc3366 rgb(210,60,119) 0, 71, 43, 18
Zokine #43523c #336633 rgb(67,82,60) 18, 0, 27, 68
Zoboba #bc8a52 #cc9966 rgb(188,138,82) 0, 27, 56, 26
Zomp #39a78e #339999 rgb(57,167,142) 66, 0, 15, 35
Zunza #bfd1bc #cccccc rgb(191,209,188) 9, 0, 10, 18
Zunisha #899ba9 #999999 rgb(137,155,169) 19, 8, 0, 34
Zutem #d4aa25 #cc9933 rgb(212,170,37) 0, 20, 83, 17
Zucchini #506022 #666633 rgb(80,96,34) 17, 0, 65, 62
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