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What exactly is an IFSC code?

The Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is an 11-digit alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies all banks and their branches that participate in the online fund transfer process. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) assigns the IFSC Code to each bank branch in order to track internet money transfers. Without a valid IFSC, no electronic or online transactions for transferring funds via NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer), RTGS (Real-time Gross Settlement), or IMPS (Immediate Payment System) can be initiated.

Format of the IFSC Code

The IFSC code format consists of 11 characters and is made up of three main components:

The first four characters are the bank code.
The fifth character is a zero.
The last six characters represent a specific branch code.

Consider the example of the SBI IFSC Code, Mumbai branch, shown below.

State Bank of India Code Zero State Bank of India Branch Code
S B I N 0 0 0 0 3 0 0

The first four characters \’SBIN\’ represent the SBI bank code, the fifth character is a \’0,\’ and the last six digits \’000300\’ reflect the Mumbai Main, Maharastra branch code.

How to Find Your Branch\’s IFSC Code?

1. Cheque leaf: The quickest approach to find your branch\’s IFSC code is to consult your cheque book. A cheque leaf\’s upper left corner has the entire address of the branch. An 11-digit code can be found at the end of the address. This is the IFSC code for your account.

2. Passbook: Look at the first page of your passbook. It includes information about your account as well as your branch. There you can seek for the IFSC Code.

3. RBI website: Another easy option to discover your IFSC code is to go to the Reserve Bank of India\’s official website. Go to the IFSC codes tab.

It is advantageous to know the name of your branch in this situation. You choose your bank from a drop-down option and type in the name of your branch. The IFSC Code for your branch will be provided on the website. Don\’t be concerned if you don\’t know what the name of your branch is. When you select a bank, the RBI provides a list of IFSC codes for all of the bank\’s branches. You may look up your branch\’s IFSC code by searching for it.

4. Bank website: Virtually all banks\’ websites offer Branch Locator services. You can find the Branch Locate tool on the bank\’s official website. Get the IFSC Code of your branch by using the tool. You can find your branch and browse for information about it.

While you can find the IFSC Code by using the branch name, you can also find the branch by IFSC Code. You can use the IFSC Code to find the bank\’s address and other information by visiting its official website. You can even use Google to get the address of the branch associated with the IFSC Code.

If you submit an invalid IFSC Code during an online transfer, the funds are returned to your account.This occurs when you make a transfer to an account holder whose IFSC Code does not match the bank\’s database.

How to Get Bank Information Using an IFSC Code

Users can conduct an IFSC Code search for a specific bank branch both online and offline. The many methods for locating the IFSC code are shown below.
Online IFSC Code Finder 1.\’s IFSC Code search tool

Navigate to the IFSC Code search tool website given by for the benefit of its clients and follow the instructions outlined below:

Visit the page and enter your IFSC code

The IFSC, as well as all bank details, will be displayed on the page

Find an MICR Code and IFSC code

Choose one of the banks, states, districts, or branches to obtain your IFSC code and MICR code.


What is the IFSC concept?

International Financial Services Organization (IFSC) An IFSC serves consumers who live outside of the jurisdiction of the domestic economy. Such centres handle with cross-border flows of finance, financial products, and services. Global financial centres include London, New York, and Singapore.

Who is the IFSC\’s head ?

Shri Injeti Srinivas is a member of the Indian Administrative Service\’s 1983 batch (Odisha cadre).

What is the goal of IFSC?

The IFSCA\’s major goal is to establish a strong global connection and focus on the needs of the Indian economy, as well as to act as an international financial platform for the entire region and the global economy as a whole.

Who determines the IFSC code?

The Reserve Bank of India assigns the code. Any transfer system governed by the RBI will necessitate the use of an IFSC code. The IFSC code is essential when transferring payments online. The code facilitates the identification of the bank and its branch without any discrepancy in the money transfer process.

Who can operate in the IFSC?

Edelweiss Financial Services, IIFL Securities, Globe Capital, Philip Capital, Motilal Oswal, and others act as intermediaries. The capital markets ecosystem also includes alternative investment funds (AIF), investment advisors, custodians, depositories, trustee companies, and clearing banks.

When was the IFSC founded?

The Special Economic Zone Act of 2005 calls for the creation of an IFSC in India.

How to Use an IFSC Code to Transfer Money

The usage of an IFSC is required for transferring funds electronically or online via NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS. It should be mentioned that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) introduced the NEFT and RTGS payment systems, whereas the NPCI introduced the IMPS service (National Payments Corporation of India). NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS are the three main payment methods used to initiate online transfers of monies.

What is the importance of an IFSC code?

The IFSC code is critical because it assists the RBI in ensuring that all financial transactions go smoothly and without hitches. This straightforward code can assist the RBI in tracking, monitoring, and maintaining all electronic financial transactions like as NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS.

What do the names IFSC and swift mean?

SWIFT stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication Code. IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code. SWIFT code is an internationally recognised code that is used when there is an international credit transfer between banks as well as when messages are exchanged between banks.

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